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C/S Automotive Appraisal Services

Classic Car Appraisals Serving All of the West Coast

Selling a new model in the market is comparatively easier than selling a vintage car. With so much information available these days, any regular appraiser can give you an appraisal report for your new vehicle. But the same does not hold true for classic car appraisals. Creating an appraisal report for vintage cars requires a lot of involvement and experience. An appraiser with little or no appraisal experience in the market can never help you get the value for your assets. At C/S Automotive Appraisal Services, we have over 36 years of experience in the automobile and appraisal industry.


Our appraisers have helped several clients get good value for their classic cars by preparing thorough appraisal reports. We can only do this because we have years of professional expertise. We are involved in the entire process and evaluate each facet of your vehicle. Right from helping you prepare your car for appraisal to creating appraisal reports after thorough inspection and investigation, we are always by your side.


You can contact us via phone or email to schedule a professional classic car appraisal.

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Get the Right Price for Vintage Cars

 Quoting a high price will scare away potential buyers, and quoting low would mean a loss.

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